Where is America going, and why is it in this handbasket?
Two world superpowers divided much of the planet into mighty
blocs, as the “free world” faced off against the “communist” one. What
was left, often called the Third World, became a game board and
sometimes battlefield for influence and dominance.
And then, unexpectedly, there was only one superpower. In 1991, something like the ultimate step in the concentration of power seemed to occur. The weaker and less wealthy of the two rivals, its economy grown sclerotic even as its nuclear arsenal bulged, its vaunted military bogged down in an unwinnable war with Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan (backed by the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan), suddenly vanished from the planet.
Where great powers had once been, only a few rickety “rogue states” remained: Iraq, Iran and North Korea. George W. Bush was soon to lump those three countries into a convenient “Axis of Evil,” a phrase meant to combine the fearsomeness of World War II’s Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) and Ronald Reagan’s famous Star Wars-style moniker for the Soviet Union, “the Evil Empire.” No matter that two of the three powers in question had been at each other’s throats for a decade and the third, a half-nation with a population regularly on a starvation diet, was quite unrelated. Beyond that, when it came to enemies, there were relatively small numbers of jihadi bands, mostly scattered in the tribal backlands of the planet, and a few poorly armed minority insurgencies.
In 2000, [America's neo-cons] took over the White House (with a helping hand from the Supreme Court). After a single devastating terrorist attack (the “Pearl Harbor” of the twenty-first century), they were soon dreaming on a global scale as befit their new vision of power. They imagined a "wartime" that would last for generation.
Tom Englhardt:
http://www.thenation.com/ article/181628/us-has-been- worlds-sole-superpower-last- 13-years-why-hasnt-it-done- anything-good
And then, unexpectedly, there was only one superpower. In 1991, something like the ultimate step in the concentration of power seemed to occur. The weaker and less wealthy of the two rivals, its economy grown sclerotic even as its nuclear arsenal bulged, its vaunted military bogged down in an unwinnable war with Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan (backed by the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan), suddenly vanished from the planet.
Where great powers had once been, only a few rickety “rogue states” remained: Iraq, Iran and North Korea. George W. Bush was soon to lump those three countries into a convenient “Axis of Evil,” a phrase meant to combine the fearsomeness of World War II’s Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) and Ronald Reagan’s famous Star Wars-style moniker for the Soviet Union, “the Evil Empire.” No matter that two of the three powers in question had been at each other’s throats for a decade and the third, a half-nation with a population regularly on a starvation diet, was quite unrelated. Beyond that, when it came to enemies, there were relatively small numbers of jihadi bands, mostly scattered in the tribal backlands of the planet, and a few poorly armed minority insurgencies.
In 2000, [America's neo-cons] took over the White House (with a helping hand from the Supreme Court). After a single devastating terrorist attack (the “Pearl Harbor” of the twenty-first century), they were soon dreaming on a global scale as befit their new vision of power. They imagined a "wartime" that would last for generation.
Tom Englhardt:
The United States has accepted the neocon vision of a war that will last for a generation, and longer. War, everywhere, and continuously, is the future the nation has chosen.
The Project for a New American Century (or PNAC) was founded by neocon luminaries William Kristol and Robert Kagan whose names, incidentally, do not appear among those who signed their Statement of Principles: http://www.newamericancentury.
That website has been
taken down but it's archived here, where they apparently can't get rid
of it:
http://web.archive.org/web/ 20131010230746/http://www. newamericancentury.org/ statementofprinciples.htm
The principles of PNAC have also been stated as the "Bush Doctrine", which was pulled from it's original location on the PNAC website during the Iraq War, but can be found here on the Internet "Wayback Machine" (an invaluable resource):
http://web.archive.org/web/ 20020305103401/http://www. newamericancentury.org/ bushdoctrine-013002.htm
The Bush doctrine, In part, reads:
nation is exempt" from the "non-negotiable demands" of liberty, law and
justice. Because the United States has a "greater objective" – a
greater purpose – in the world, [George W.] Bush sees in the war not
just danger but an opportunity to spread American political principles,
especially into the Muslim world.
and it goes onto read:
The Bush Doctrine is also notable for what it is not.
It is not Clintonian multilateralism; the president did not appeal to
the United Nations, profess faith in arms control, or raise hopes for
any "peace process." Nor is it the balance-of-power realism favored by
his father. It is, rather, a reassertion that lasting peace and security
is to be won and preserved by asserting both U.S. military strength and
American political principles.
These are the same principles of dominion through force that were embodied in the Bush White House's National Security Strategy. These are, quite simply, the words of men who desire war and power. World domination. Governments are just the tools they are using to achieve their objectives.
I'm not just sharing my opinion; I'm telling you what this group said in its very own statement of principles. I don't think you can read these documents and still believe that the goal of these men isn't world domination through military aggression and global expansion.
If this group and its ideology represent the thinking of the US government, the Iraqi War was only the beginning. And that has probably been my biggest fear; since the beginning of the Iraq War, that the US is leading the world into an extended period of low-intensity wars and regional conflicts; essentially a state of perpetual warfare. Proxy wars to create puppet states.
It is the neoconservative philosophy of US domination of the globe by force that Americans must refute; not one political party or the other. Neoconservatism should be refuted, for one reason alone: from the neoconservative point of view, it may be succeeding in destabilizing the world, but it is failing America spectacularly. It is hollowing the nation, morally, economically, and spiritually; eating it from the inside out.
I'm not just sharing my opinion; I'm telling you what this group said in its very own statement of principles. I don't think you can read these documents and still believe that the goal of these men isn't world domination through military aggression and global expansion.
If this group and its ideology represent the thinking of the US government, the Iraqi War was only the beginning. And that has probably been my biggest fear; since the beginning of the Iraq War, that the US is leading the world into an extended period of low-intensity wars and regional conflicts; essentially a state of perpetual warfare. Proxy wars to create puppet states.
It is the neoconservative philosophy of US domination of the globe by force that Americans must refute; not one political party or the other. Neoconservatism should be refuted, for one reason alone: from the neoconservative point of view, it may be succeeding in destabilizing the world, but it is failing America spectacularly. It is hollowing the nation, morally, economically, and spiritually; eating it from the inside out.

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