Most of my life was
spent in a state of deliberate ignorance. I was totally into my career
and took almost no interest in anything that wasn't relevant to it in
some way. I pretty much just ignored most of what was going on around
me. All work; no play. Boy, have I changed.
When I met my wife, in 1988, she told me one evening after a visit
to her folks, "Charles, you don't need to be afraid to speak up at my
parents' house; don't be afraid to speak up to Bob, he's just trying to
find out how you feel about things."
And I replied, "I'm not afraid to speak up, it's just that I don't
have any opinions about most of that stuff. I just don't know enough
about it to form an opinion." My wife was like, "Well, you must have some opinion, just state it."
And I was like, "Actually, no, I don't have any opinion really, and to state an opinion, in ignorance, would just be stupid."
of the topics were either current news events or politics, or the hot
button social issues that people in the Bible Belt obsess over. The
truth was, I just didn't care about those things. Most were complex
issues, and I felt it was best to leave those things to the experts;
those who were elected to make the difficult decisions on our behalf;
exactly so we don't have to. We can concern ourselves with our own
personal lives, vote every couple of years, and and forget that we're
part of a society.
Leave such matters to the experts: That's an attitude that most
people tend to hold today, I think. They have so much going on in their
lives, that they choose not to worry about anything that doesn't affect
them immediately or directly. Anything else is for someone else to
worry about, debate and decide. Leave it with the experts, let them
argue and let the politicians argue. After all, no matter what the
public says, it will be their decision in the end. Life is too short and
we have so much in our lives to worry about. Why worry about something
like that when, at the end of the day, only powerful money-hungry people
will get a say.
I've come to believe that that attitude is wrong on several levels:
of all, that attitude is wrong because it represents a refusal to
accept individual responsibility. It isn't easy, and it isn't
comfortable, but it is the responsibility of all citizens of a
representative democracy like the United States to educate themselves to
the extent they are capable, and to take responsibility for their own
futures; for the big long-range decisions. That's what self-governance
That attitude is wrong because it represents an acceptance of the
status quo. It validates the system; a system in which the people have
no real power, or interest in self-governance, but abdicate their
choices, decisions and their futures to others, hopefully "wiser than
we." No one thinks of themselves as instruments of change. In other
words, it's an acceptance of impotence. It's defeatism. "Leave it to
the experts" is the surrender of a person who admits he or she has
already lost.
Look around ... where on this planet is significant lasting social
change being accomplished through elections? You want to tell me that's
how change is being effected in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Tunisia,
Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine/Crimea?
I'm not saying that one shouldn't vote; I encourage everyone to vote this Fall. Just don't expect anything to change as a result.
activism is effecting more change in our world than democratic
elections. And I think society will benefit from far more of it. In
the streets. Young people who can't find the time, the energy, or the
interest to protest are making themselves a huge part of the problem by
refusing to be part of the solution.