Many people are
reluctant to be seen as "conspiracy theorists". Tin-foil hat wearers.
I'm one of those people; reluctant to doubt the "official" propaganda.
Do I believe 9/11 was an "inside job"? No, I do not. No one knows for sure, though. I'm open to the possibility.
Do I believe that there are many unanswered questions about what actually happened that day? Oh absolutely.
I believe there was a cover-up of evidence that suggested that the
"official version" of events was incomplete or inaccurate? I certainly
Hell, yes, I'm a 9/11 "Truther." And I'm no longer embarrassed to say so.
given what we know now .... what was once squarely in the realm of
conspiracy theory must now be considered in the light of what we know
the US government is capable of. Simply calling something a "crazy
conspiracy theory" is not enough anymore to discredit it. The incredible
cannot be discounted. Edward Snowen was a game-changer.
We know, now, that the US government will stop at nothing. And they will tell lies without hesitation.
is why I think it's worth revisiting the whole 9/11 WTC tower strike
story. There were many variations of the 9/11 plot, and the facts keep
changing, but the official story is so full of holes, it's not easily
believable. In fact, that official story sounds a lot like any other
"conspiracy theory" to me. It is utterly preposterous.
And when I look hard, as hard as I'm able, for the truth about what
happened that day ... I am absolutely convinced that the official story
is a lie and a cover up.
Hell, yes, I'm a 9/11 "Truther."
Hands-down the best documentary I've seen on 9/11 is the three-DVD film September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor
made by filmmaker Massimo Mazzucco. It's long, five hours long, but if
you have any doubts about the official story., you should watch at least
that part of this documentary.
The video asks 50 questions of those who defend the official account. 50 questions that haven't been answered.
This video is the result of 12 years of research. Granted,
five hours is a lot of material to watch. If you only watch part of
it, you should watch the discussion of the collapse of 7 World Trade
Center in the third DVD (~17 minutes).
WTC 7 is the keystone of 9/11 skeptics demand for a new investigation
of what happened on September 11, 2001. If you can buy the official
explanation for the collapse of WTC 7; you can certainly swallow the
rest of the official story.
WTC 7 is especially important in light of the discovery last year
that the investigation of the collapse conducted by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology deliberately omitted critical
structural reinforcement features from it computer models. (Attorney Dr. William Pepper's letter on behalf of 2100 skeptical engineers and architects).
follows is an index of the material that is on each of the three DVD's
in the set, with YouTube links to each of the parts. Full info about
the DVD set can be found at
Charles Aulds

DVD 1 (1m55s)
0.01:02 - 12 parallels between Pearl
Harbor and September 11
0.14:10 - The debate: main issues
0.14:55 - Where are the interceptors?
0.16:12 - The "incompetence theory"
(radars, transponders)
0.22:00 - The military drills
0.29:40 - Specific warnings
0.33:08 - The chain of command
0.38:10 - Promotions, not punishments
0.39:50 - The Mineta case
0.47:38 - Debunkers: "Mineta was mistaken"
0.53:18 - The Mineta case - A summary
0.57:15 - "Piss-poor student pilots"
0.59:38 - Marwan al-Sheikki (UA175)
1.01:52 - Ziad Jarrah (UA93)
1.03:06 - Hani Hanjour (AA77)
1.04:00 - The debunkers' positions
1.06:00 - 2 simulations of the Pentagon attack
1.13:10 - Someone knew?
1.16:40 - Airport security cameras
1.20.15 - The missing black boxes
1.26:50 - Passenger planes or military drones?
1.28:20 - Impossible speeds
1.37:30 - What happened to the passengers?
1.38:35 - The cellphone calls
1.48:30 - The debunkers' position
1.50:38 - If not from the planes, from where?
DVD 2 (1m30s)
0.02:35 - Downed light poles
0.03:30 - The missing plane
0.04:30 - The official version
0.05:24 - Problems with the official version
(wing, ailerons, tail, engines)
0.13:09 - The mystery hole
0.14:10 - The debunkers' explanations
0.16:20 - Conclusions on damage analysis
0.17:00 - The missing tapes
0.18:30 - Security video analysis
0.23.40 - Pentagon summary
0.24.15 - The empty hole
0.28.00 - The debunkers' explanations
0.33:00 - Plane crash or bomb explosion?
0.34:50 - The debris field
0.37.20 - The shootdown hypothesis
0.38:50 - The small white plane
0.41:40 - "Let's roll"
0.44:25 - Summary of Flight 93
0.45:10 - Introduction
0.47:45 - The Towers' small dirty secret
0.53:10 - Larry Silverstein
0.56:15 - NIST vs. Architects & Engineers
0.58:00 - Robust or fragile buildings?
1.04:45 - The initial collapse - Explanation #1
1.05:45 - The initial collapse - Explanation #2
1.07:35 - Problems with the official explanation
1.18:00 - The full collapse - No official explanation
1.18:50 - Law of physics violated
1.20:50 - The Twin Towers and freefall
1.27:50 - Debunkers' response to A&E
DVD 3 (1m28s)
0.00:20 - The hypothesis of controlled demolitions
0.01:08 - Debunkers: "Impossible to place explosives"
0.07:34 - Explosions in the Twin Towers (witnesses)
0.15:00 - "Fuel in elevators shafts" theory
0.23:25 - Debunkers: "Explosions not recorded by tv cameras"
0.30:26 - Squibs
0.33:00 - Explosive force (montage)
0.35:00 - Ejecta
0.38:00 - Diagonal cuts
0.40:15 - What happened to the hat trusses?
0.42:20 - Extreme temperatures
0.45:30 - Debunkers' explanations
0.46:45 - Twisted and mangled beams
0.47:40 - Molten steel
0.51:05 - Molten concrete
0.53:50 - Pulverization
0.57:40 - Victims vaporized
1.02:20 - Conclusion on the Twin Towers
1.05:10 - Introduction
1.06:35 - Official version by NIST
1.09:36 - Collapse computer simulation
1.11:00 - Fire computer simulation
1.12:20 - Debunkers: "Building 7 weaker"
1.14:25 - Preknowledge
1.19:00 - Symmetry
1.20:00 - Freefall
1.22:30 - John McCain
1.24:35 - The last word